Friday, November 09, 2007

Outta the Mouths of Babes

There was a magazine I was reading that have these little cute quips about “Things Kids Say”. It's just amusing how the minds of kids work.

I made a trip down memory lane.

Wisconsinites are well-known as beer-guzzling die-hard fans.

My husband and I have sweatshirts and T-shirts with the Packers and Badgers. I wear a lot of these sweatshirts all the time. When my youngest was about 2 ½ years old, she learned to recognize the letter “W” on my sweatshirt for Wisconsin Badgers. It was so cool. I was happy that she was starting to learn the letters of the alphabet at her age.

One day my husband was watching TV. I mentioned how she knew the letter “W.” But neither of us was wearing a Badger shirt at the time so I couldn't use a shirt to prove it to him. I asked my oldest daughter to get one of the wooden blocks with the “W” on it. She gave me the block. I asked the little tyke what I had in my hand.

She looked at me and then looked at the block and said in a very serious, matter-of-fact tone, “A block.”

My husband just roared. We all did. The little stinker was happy to be the center of attention, especially when it's funny.

After we recovered, I repeated, “What letter is this?”


There. But the moment passed.

Every time I think about that moment, I smile. It’s one of the perks of parenting. I should have written down all of the funny things that they did over the years. You think that you will remember them, but you don't. Other things crowd out that memory until it is pushed further and further into the back door of your brain, possibly lost forever. I do wish I knew about blogging when they were toddlers.

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At Fri Nov 09, 07:03:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww... Cute. See, those are the memories I'll never have! (I've chosen not to have kids) Thanks for sharing the moment with us.

Here from Michele's today!

At Fri Nov 09, 07:38:00 PM , Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

I truly laughed out loud! This is such a sweet sweet story. I don't know her, but I could just see her---loooking at you, like.."Why are you asking me this??"----LOL! And that may just be MY interpretation....Whatever, it is a lovely wonderful story, including the punchline..."W"...
You Bet!

It really is too bad you didn't write ALL these delightfully dear things down...but you are doing it now! Thanks for the laugh...!

Michele thanks you too!

At Fri Nov 09, 07:41:00 PM , Blogger Beth said...

Great story!
Not to make you feel badly, but I did keep a Mother's Journal full of things the boys said and did. My regret? That I didn't write in it more often. Those days and those times go by so fast...

At Fri Nov 09, 08:23:00 PM , Blogger Smiler said...

Kids are so great at pointing out the obvious aren't they? Michele sent me to say hello.

At Fri Nov 09, 09:00:00 PM , Blogger Junebug said...

You are so right about forgetting what they said or did and at what age. I wish I had written down more stuff. Now I will have to jog my memory and write some of it down in my blog. I saw that you said over in Kila's comments that you have the old style blogger. I have tried to add that little award pic into my sidebar using the add pic to blog on the template, but the blogger clock just keeps winding and winding and never adding it. Did you ever have that problem?

At Fri Nov 09, 10:06:00 PM , Blogger Amrita said...

I know kids say the cutest kids at the right moments

At Fri Nov 09, 10:13:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you keep the block? :)
That would have been cute too.

Michele says hello!
~S :)

At Fri Nov 09, 11:17:00 PM , Blogger kenju said...

How sweet! I also wish I had known about blogging when my kids were small, or that I would forget a lot of the cute things they'd say and do. Michele sent me.

At Sat Nov 10, 12:05:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love kids because they are so frank. Thanks for sharing this little story.

Michele sent me.

At Sat Nov 10, 01:08:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Truly comic. I remember when Srin was 2 and trying to distinguish colours- she had a set of rubber coloured blocks in bright solid colours . We had no problems with other colours - the only problem was with orange and green which kept getting mixed up. One day I spied her sitting quietly and telling herself "Orange"at the orange block and "Gween" at the green block . She repeqted this about 5 times and then gave a chuckle . When I asked her , about 10 minutes later , she looked up at me innocently , pointed to the green block and said "Orange .."

At Sat Nov 10, 11:27:00 AM , Blogger Laura said...

Those memories make the bad days so very worth it. My son, when he was about 1 1/2, thought our last name ended with "Yaaaaay!" because when we were teaching him how to pronounce his name we would always end with a Yaaaaay! when He got it right. It was hysterical. I am also a bad mom in that I have not ever corrected him from calling ear muffs ear muffins. It is so darned cute to hear him say.

At Sat Nov 10, 06:30:00 PM , Blogger Anne said...

Hello, Michele sent me.

Your story is precious. I, too, wish I'd kept better records of what my kids said and did when they wee pups.

At Sat Nov 10, 09:13:00 PM , Blogger lime said...

write them down when youthink of them now. :)

At Sun Nov 11, 07:36:00 AM , Blogger craziequeen said...

Hi Shari,
Michele sent me to say hi and find out what you've been up to lately..

Aren't kids fun?


At Sun Nov 11, 09:50:00 AM , Blogger BreadBox said...

Even now, by the time I get to blogging in the evening, the moment from the day has passed.
We have a Boo and Skibo Words of Wisdom sheet stuck to the fridge too -- and it gets some more of the immediately funny one-liners....

Michele sent me today,

At Sun Nov 11, 11:39:00 AM , Blogger ribbiticus said...

it's not too late to chronicle these little gems - maybe you should write a book! ;)

At Mon Nov 12, 08:52:00 AM , Blogger Shari said...

Thanks everyone. Yes, if I think of more, I will post them. If I ever go to another baby shower, the new mom's getting a journal. :)


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