Thursday, August 23, 2007


Warning: Tear-jerker. Have Kneenex nearby. (Recommended by a blogger.)


She’s almost fully grown
This woman-child of mine;
The years flew by so fast
For her babyhood days I pine.

Thinking of her
As I gaze at the sky;
Snapshot memories flit
Through my mind’s eye.

She was my little miracle.
Sweet, blonde, and fair.
I long for the fresh smell
Of baby-scented hair.

Her many firsts;
First steps, first day of school…
Her many struggles;
Hernia surgery, recovery…

Teaching and scolding.
Helping her grow…
Learning from mistakes…
Where did the years go?

No longer needs me to
Bandage scraped knees…
She’s a woman-child,
Seeking autonomy.

So many letting go’s.
I am always near.
Find a purpose, a goal.
I am always here.

I still see potential growth.
Learning never ends.
Blossom, my woman-child.
Learning never ends.

July 8, 2007

Poem for my daughter’s 13th birthday-from Shari (Mom)



At Thu Aug 23, 09:44:00 AM , Blogger lime said...

happy birthday to the woman child.....hugs to mom...i know this drill....

At Thu Aug 23, 10:51:00 AM , Blogger Laura said...

Okay, you must include a tissue alert with that. That is beautiful, Shari. I am dreading the year ahead as my baby girl gets ready to fly off on her own and you've illustrated that wonderfully. Your daughter is so lucky to have you.

At Thu Aug 23, 03:00:00 PM , Blogger Shari said...

Lime-She got the birthday wishes. It's always hard to let go. :)

MrsGrumpy-I will put a notice to the front to warn others. Even my daughter had tears in her eyes and a big hug for me. :)

At Thu Aug 23, 10:34:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful!!! What a wonderful gift for your daughter. She really is turning in to a little lady, a very special and beautiful little lady. Just like her mom! XOXO

At Fri Aug 24, 09:21:00 AM , Blogger Michelle O'Neil said...

So sweet Shari.

She's lucky to have you for her Mom.

Happy Birthday!

At Fri Aug 24, 02:28:00 PM , Blogger Shari said...

Eileen-Thank you. She's only a couple of inches shorter than me. LOL. I hope she doesn't tower me in a few more years.

Michelle-Thank you.

At Sat Aug 25, 12:33:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

What a lovely thought and she's a beautiful child . You know there's a poem by Yeats called A Poem for my daughter - I simply love it . And there's a song that Joan Baez sings called "Forever Young". Both these are very important for me because they sum up all I want for my 2 girls

At Sat Aug 25, 08:15:00 PM , Blogger Shari said...

Eve's Lungs-Tnank you. I will have to look them up. Thanks. :)

At Tue Aug 28, 08:51:00 AM , Blogger Amrita said...

beautiful poem Shari. Our children grow up so fast

At Wed Aug 29, 10:06:00 PM , Blogger Amrita said...

Both Mum and daughter look beautiful

At Wed Aug 29, 10:47:00 PM , Blogger Shari said...

Amrita-Thank you. The older I get, the more I hate my pictures. They just don't look like "me". LOL. Or rather, what I see reflecting in the mirror isn't what I see in a picture. Does that make sense?


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