Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Testing: 1, 2, 3

I don’t know why, but every once in a while I play a “now I see it, now I don’t” sort of mind game. (Does anyone remember the old slogan for Almond Joy and Mounds? Of course, the “you” pronoun was used instead) I would look at an object on the table, counter, or anything else and try to see how much I can and can’t see. I would stretch out my hand in front of me (the kind that a street cop would use to direct traffic by putting up a hand gesture that means “stop”) and move it in and out of my line of vision. “Now I see it, now I don’t.” It’s pathetic, isn’t it? The hardest part is keeping my eyes from following the direction of my hand. It can be depressing to see how much I lost in the last few years.

I tell myself to enjoy what I can see and keep a photo album in my memory bank so I don’t forget important details.

-My children’s sparking eyes, smiling, excited faces on Christmas morning or any other day they are just happy

-My husband’s dimples

-The splendor of autumn

-The glistening snow blanketing the yard, iclcles forming on tree branches and rooftops

-Fireworks on the Fourth of July

-The man on the moon

-Christmas decorations and stringed lights outlining houses, doors, and windows

-A giggling baby

-Iridescent rainbows

-A beautiful sunrise/sunset

-The various shades of blue, pink, and purple

The list goes on and on.

I don’t ever want to take these sights for granted. I can get so busy with homework, housework, the kids, blogging, and whatnot that I forget to appreciate what goes on around me. I need to remember to be thankful for the sight I do have. I am such a visual person. It’s so easy to get busy. Especially in this day and age where no matter how much technology makes things easier and speedier to do things, we still try to pack in “25” hours in a day. Time is money. Fast is just not fast enough.

Again and again, stop. Take a deep breath. Enjoy all the blessings you have. A healthy family. A roof over your head. Food to eat. Clothes to keep you warm or cool (for those of you in warmer climates). Warm hearts. Pleasant company. Enjoyable music. Good friends. Thank God for your blessings.

I can still see. I can still hear. Yes, they are limited, but I need to remember to enjoy it. I am healthy. Why test it?


At Wed Nov 22, 07:13:00 AM , Blogger Sean Carter said...

A Happy Thanksgiving to you and to your family!! If you are meanwhile gearing up for Christmas, you can jus peep into my Holiday Blog.....


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